High Ropes Course Hirschhagen Year of construction 2022

The Adventure Park in Hessisch-Liechtenau is part of the Hirschhagen Action Park, which offers paintball, bubble soccer, archery and other adventures in addition to the climbing fun in the high ropes course. We built the climbing and zipline park within two weeks at the end of February 2022, although the strong wind posed quite a challenge when erecting the masts. It contains 80 individual elements, six courses with different levels of difficulty, eight ziplines and a so-called "Quickjump" of 10 metres in height. An old military building integrated into the concept, whose façade was equipped with climbing elements and which can be "flown" to by zipline, provides a very special climbing experience.

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37235 Hessisch Lichtenau
Lillienstraße 89

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