What kinds of adventure parks do we build? Everything from high ropes courses to mega ziplines and playgrounds

Adventure parks in trees & high ropes courses

These huge high ropes courses offer an open-air climbing adventure for the whole family and are operated at fixed opening hours, much like amusement parks. They can accommodate visiting individuals or groups in large numbers.

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Mega Fox & zipline courses

Ziplines are an unadulterated adrenaline rush for all leisure park concepts. Whether they are installed as a standalone attraction over several hundreds of meters or as a circular course with multiple ziplines in sequence, the scope of use for these ziplines is extremely interesting, with considerable potential for success.

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Net Park

Net Parks come in various forms, including Net Courses, Net Islands, Net Trampolines, and other variations, depending on the needs and local conditions. Net Parks can be operated without supervision and allow for a high throughput of visitors with minimal personnel and maintenance requirements.

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Aqua Chimp

The newly developed Aqua Chimp is an environmentally friendly and easy to install climbing park on the water, which brings enormous fun to adventurers of all ages. The "floating jungle" defies wave heights of up to one meter and is absolutely insensitive to wind and storm.

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Als Indoor- & Outdoor Champion für den urbanen Raum und in Freizeitparks oder Hallen können diese Seilgärten, basierend auf einer Stahlkonstruktion, bezeichnet werden. Mit durchgängigem Sicherungssystem können hier sehr große Besucherzahlen mit minimalem Personalaufwand bewältigt werden.

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Team building & experiential learning facilities

Classic ropes courses and team-based courses can include bases and high ropes elements. They are basically conceived as a form of experiential learning and are designed to support companies, school groups, youth groups and the like.

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Adventure playground

We combine climbing with playful elements in an intelligent way that takes the local circumstances into account, offering packages that not only make children’s eyes light up but that also offer lasting advantages for operators.

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Looking for something different?

We’ll be more than happy to give you impartial advice on all the technology and manufacturers on the market and present various adventure concepts that tie in with your objectives. Take advantage of our knowledge of the industry and find out more about our adventure park and destination development service.

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